iOS Version 5.3.19
Android Version 5.4.16
- Check-in and check-out times displayed in Mobile Key Sessions and Session Logs will reflect thetime zoneof the hotel
- When bulk-adding rooms to the hotel'smapping configuration,PMS room titles will auto-populate
- Hotel staff will be able to search for country codes using the name of the country whenadding a guest in HOST
iOS and Android
- Guests reserving multiple roomswill be able to access mobile keys for up to 4 rooms on a single device
- Contact OpenKey Support to request activation of this feature
- Designated areaswill be explicitly shown in the app
- General bug fixes to improve stability and enhance the user experience
OpenKey V3 Modules
- Guests staying in rooms withmultiple modules assigned to that particular room will get apop-up notificationon their device allowing them to select which lock they want to access
- Hotel managers will have the option to customize the order of mobile keys forcommon areas, designated areas, and elevators displayed in the app
- Contact OpenKey Support to request custom sorting
Users of the OpenKey app will be prompted to update to the newest version. Hotel users shouldclear the cache on Chromefor the best experience with OpenKey HOST.