Passwords can only be updated by the individual users – Management CANNOT update a password for a team member.
Option 1: Through OpenKey HOST
- Login to HOST, click PROFILE on the left-hand side of the screen, click EDIT, and click CHANGE PASSWORD.
- The user must know their password to change it via OpenKey HOST.
- Click Edit
- Password must be at least a minimum of 8 characters, an uppercase, lowercase, number and a special character
- Click submit
Option 2: Through a password reset link
- On the login page, click FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD and type in the email address
- This will send a link to change the password to the user’s email address
- Click on the link
- Update the password
You will now receive a Password Reset email from If you don't see this in your inbox, check your spam/junk folder. If you still don't see the email, please contact
Your password is now updated!