OpenKey HOST shows what is happening with each mobile key that has been added to the GUEST tab in the STATUS section:
- Click Guests on the left panel. Each guest's key status will be displayed as an icon.
- The icons indicate the following:
- The guest has been notified that the key is available. Waiting on the action from the guest.
- The key has been downloaded onto the guest’s device successfully.
- Waiting for the key to be delivered from the server. OpenKey has requested the mobile key from the Lock Server, but the communication has not been received/processed by the Lock Server. This may mean that the Mobile Delivery Service is inactive on the Lock Server. Please log in to your Lock Server
to check.
POP-UP Notifications:
- Session Created: A guest has received the text message and has been added to the GUEST tab.
- Device Personalized: A guest has successfully submitted the verification code.
- Key Issued: A guest has downloaded their key.
- Session Updated: A mobile key has been edited.
- Session Checked-out: A guest's mobile key is no longer active.