Occasionally you will find that your guests create more than one reservation with their name and phone number on each reservation.
Knowing that the mobile keys work based on a session is important.
***One mobile phone number equals one session and one reservation.***
- John Doe has 3 reservations booked at your property all reservations are booked in John's name and phone number. Once John is checked into Room 1, he will receive a mobile key for Room 1.
- When John is checked into Room 2 with the same phone number, John's mobile key for Room 1 will expire and he will be issued a mobile key for Room 2.
- Once John is checked into Room 3, his mobile key will expire for Room 2 and he will receive a mobile key for Room 3.
This is how the mobile keys will work unless you have our Multiple Room Feature active for your property.
**You can read more about this option by clicking the links below. If you think this feature would benefit your property's needs, please contact Support and one of our Expert Support Specialists will be more than happy to activate this feature for you.