In the short video below, you will learn how to select the notifications you want to receive for your property.
Pre-Arrival Emails - Notifies when a guest completes the Pre-Arrival Web Form confirming their reservation details and selecting if they wish to Skip the Front Desk. The guest will then appear in the “Check-in Confirmations” section of the Guest tab. **No longer Available**
Express Checkout - Notifies when a guest selects Express Checkout within the application, prompting you to check them out of your Property Management System.
Key Shared - Notifies when a guest shares a key with another member of their party. This is meant to alert you to add the additional guest in the Property Management System if needed.
Door Opened - Notifies when a guest opens a door with a mobile key for the FIRST time only. This notification is ideal for hotels allowing a Contactless Check-in (Skip the Front Desk), so you will know when the guest arrives on the property.